Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Stage Fright and Performance Anxiety

Certainly, we want to play at our best level when it matters most: in a concert, audition or contest. Being aware of the importance of this moment, we get to experience the anxiety of performance and the stage fright.

Why some musicians manage to play on stage at their maximum, while others give 70% or less of their potential? Is it just the native aspect or something more which makes the difference?
Personally I believe that every musician feels “something” (more or less) before and during the performance. Instead of running away from our emotions, we can start to understand and to use them in our advantage.

In her book “Beyond talent”, Angela Myles Beeching says that to experience stress before the performance can be a positive thing. It gives us more energy, which is usually lost in studio recordings.
We can also reflect on this statement made by Don Greene : “Powerful performance is not about being relaxed”.

Do you think that little stress before playing on stage can be useful?

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