Saturday, 19 July 2014


Musical Talent

What is talent? It`s a natural ability to do something better and with less effort than other people can do it. Talent is written in our genes just as height and other physical traits. We are born with it and cannot be improved much upon with practice.

How to recognize a child`s musical talent?

Here are some essential criteria for identification of the musically gifted children:

1. Rhythm

The child can hear and identify rhythmic patterns accurately, is able to find the underlying pulse and to keep a steady beat.

2. Perception of sound

Perceives differences in tone and pitch, can match pitches, is able to identify familiar melodies on tonal instruments. The musically talented child has a great enjoyment in listening live or recorded music and will repeat favourite songs over and over again.

3. Expressiveness

The child performs and reacts to music with personal expression showing signs of creative interpretation. Is fully involved and enjoys the experience of performance.

Other signs of a musically gifted children:

  • Interest in musical instruments
  • Ability to play an instrument by ear
  • Composition of songs
  • Absolute pitch
  • Creates original rhythmic and melodic patterns
  • Is persistent in new learnings 
  • Sensitivity to changes in tempo, dynamics and tone color