Sunday, 21 December 2014

Why do we love Christmas songs?

Personally I like them and I play christmas carols each year with the same pleasure and enthusiasm. They are simple melodies, but touching. I saw that my students love this songs.
We associate this carols with a feeling of joy, the special feeling of Christmas.This can be a reason but the question still remains: 

Why do we love Christmas songs? Share your opinion!

Sunday, 30 November 2014

What does it take to become a professional musician?

We often attribute career success to fate or destiny, like being in the right place at the right time or just being lucky. In fact we are the architects of our future career as musicians. This is a process which takes time and is developed over years. There are no shortcuts.

The question is: what does it take to become a professional musician? We all know that hard work and talent are essential. This is true, but a career in this field requires also other important qualities like: passion, motivation, flexibility, creativity, self-discipline, enthusiasm, perseverence, networking skills etc. 

And still, I belive that the most important quality is to love music, to make it every day and to be dedicated 100% for it! This is not a complete answer to the question, is just a way to see the things from my perspective. I`m looking forward to see Your Ideas and Sugestions on this topic!

Friday, 31 October 2014

Deep Practice

Deep practice it`s designed specifically to improve performance, it can be repeated a lot, feedback on results is continuously available and it`s highly demanding mentally.

Remember this 4 steps:

1. Pick a target
2. Reach for it
3. Evaluate the gap between the target and the reach
4. Return to step one

To understand how deep practice works, we must understand the importance of mistakes to the learning process. A few years ago, the researchers did a study to see what determinates babies improve at walking. The key factor wasn`t height, weight, age or brain development. It was the amount of time they spent trying to walk!

"Try again. Fail again. Fail better."    Samuel Beckett

Saturday, 19 July 2014


Musical Talent

What is talent? It`s a natural ability to do something better and with less effort than other people can do it. Talent is written in our genes just as height and other physical traits. We are born with it and cannot be improved much upon with practice.

How to recognize a child`s musical talent?

Here are some essential criteria for identification of the musically gifted children:

1. Rhythm

The child can hear and identify rhythmic patterns accurately, is able to find the underlying pulse and to keep a steady beat.

2. Perception of sound

Perceives differences in tone and pitch, can match pitches, is able to identify familiar melodies on tonal instruments. The musically talented child has a great enjoyment in listening live or recorded music and will repeat favourite songs over and over again.

3. Expressiveness

The child performs and reacts to music with personal expression showing signs of creative interpretation. Is fully involved and enjoys the experience of performance.

Other signs of a musically gifted children:

  • Interest in musical instruments
  • Ability to play an instrument by ear
  • Composition of songs
  • Absolute pitch
  • Creates original rhythmic and melodic patterns
  • Is persistent in new learnings 
  • Sensitivity to changes in tempo, dynamics and tone color

Friday, 31 January 2014

Successful Musicians