Tuesday, 19 November 2013

The difference in our results

Here is a question and a possible answer: Why some people are successful and have better results than others? It`s all about intelligence, talent, genetic or maybe destiny? Watch this video with Angela Duckworth in TED conference:


Friday, 15 November 2013

Do professional musicians make mistakes?

Yes, of course! They just make their mistakes sound good and here is the key. Many professionals are able to improvise with their mistakes so an audience doesn`t notice.

In reality every musician must accept that mistakes can occur even if you are very good prepared. The impact is much stronger for you as performer than for the public. Why? Because you know very well the piece, all details and you expect to play it perfectly. There`s nothing wrong with having high expectations, but sometimes being realistic can be more helpful. It rarely happens that someone plays perfect. 

In the article below you`ll see that there are many types of mistakes. Recognizing yours and using some techniques for a better control is a great step for a successful performance :-)